HTML, CSS, and Javascript reference

HTML reference

PAGE structure

<!doctype html>
		<title>Put title here</title>
		<meta name="author" content="YourName">
		<meta charset="UTF-8">

			Description of what this page is meant to do
			Created:	10. Feb 2015
			Modified:	16. Feb 2015 - added ...
			/* put CSS code in here */
			/* put Javascript code in here */
		<!-- put HTML code in here -->
		<p>First paragraph</p>

BLOCK elements & text containers

<div class="cssClass">text division</div> — CSS styled text container

<h1>Largest heading</h1> — Largest heading
<h2>Heading 2</h2> — Second largest heading
<h3>Heading 3</h3> — Third largest heading
<h4>Heading 4</h4> — Fourth largest heading

<p>This is a paragraph.</p> — paragraph text
<ul><li>unordered list item</li></ul> — • bulleted item
<ol><li>ordered list item</li></ol> — 1. numbered item

<table> <!-- DO NOT use tables for layout -->
	<caption>Table caption</caption>
	<tr> <!-- new row -->
		<th>Table heading 1</th> 
		<th>Table heading 2</th>
	<tr> <!-- new row -->
		<td>Table data 1</td>
		<td>Table data 2</td>

INLINE elements & text formatting

<span class="cssClass">group formatted text</span> — text labeled with a general CSS class
<span id="cssId">uniquely formatted text</span> — text labeled with an individual CSS id

<a href="anotherpage.html">click here</a>linked text
<img src="img/smiley.png"> — embed an image:
<strong>strong text</strong>strong text
<em>emphasized text</em>emphasized text

&mdash; — long dash (—)
&#100; — displays the character of Unicode #100 (d)
&#9644; — displays the character of Unicode #9644 (▬)
<br /> — line break
<hr /> — horizontal rule

FORM elements & inputs

<input type="text" id="inputText" name="inputText size="5">
<input type="number" id="inputNumber" name="inputNumber" min="0" max="100">
<input type="range" id="inputRange" name="inputRange" min="0" max="100">

<button type="button" id="helloButton" name="helloButton">Click me!</button>

<output id="outputBlock" name="outputBlock"> — Creates an html element into which you can put result code
autofocus="true" — Makes sure the cursor starts in the form element that contains autofocus=...

CSS reference

CSS selectors

h1 {} — select by HTML tag
.cssClass {} — select by HTML class="cssClass" attribute
#cssId {} — select by HTML id="cssId" attribute

h1:hover {} — select by HTML tag when user hovers over something

Text formatting

font-family: "Gill Sans"; — which typeface to use
font-style: italic; — or normal
font-weight: bold; — or normal
font-size: 1em; — or 15pt or 15px
color: red; — or #FFFFFF or rgb(0,0,255)
background-color: white; — or #000000 or rgb(255,255,255)

Javascript reference


function mathyAdder(variable1, variable2, ...) {;
     function code in here...
     it can refer and use information passed on by the variables.
     return variable1 + variable2;


onclick="someFunction();" — triggers a JS function when an HTML element is clicked
ondblclick="someFunction();" — triggers a function when an HTML element is double clicked
onmouseover="someFunction();" — triggers a function when the cursor goes over an HTML element
onload="someFunction();" — triggers a function if the element loads successfully
onerror="someFunction();" — triggers a function if the element fails to load

onkeypress="someFunction(event);" — triggers a function if a key is pressed inside the element
var characterPressed = event.which || event.keyCode — returns the Unicode of key pressed;

DOM — Document Object Model

document.getElementById("someID") - gets a reference to the HTML element with id="someID"
elementReference.innerHTML - refers to the code inside an html element
elementReference.value - refers to the value inside an html form element

Data types

Boolean data types

var amirite =true;
var amITheFairestOfThemAll =false;

Number data types

var answerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything =42;
var americanDollarstoCanadianRate =1.10;

String data types

var lastName ="Dumbledore";
var firstLine ="It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.";

Array data types

var languages =["C++", "perl", "python", "js"];
var cardNumbers =["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K" ];
var cardPoints =[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10];

Object data types

var heroesOfProgramming ={
firstName: "Ada",
lastName: "Lovelace",
accomplishment: "first computer programmer",
born: 1815,
died: 1852};

Methods and operators


var amirite =true;
var amITheFairestOfThemAll =false;

Number methods

var piNum =3.141592654;

— equals 3.14
— equals 3.1416
— equals "3.1411592654"
piNum.parseInt(); — equals 3

42 + 1; — equals 43
42 - 1;
— equals 41
42 * 2;
— equals 84
42 / 2;
— equals 21
42 % 10;
— REMAINDER equals 2
— equals 43
— equals 41

Math methods

Math.random(); — returns a random number between 0 and 1
Math.min(-8, 50 ,0 , 42, -7); — equals -8 (lowest number of arguments)
Math.max(-8, 50 ,0 , 42, -7); — equals 50 (largest number of arguments)
Math.round(3.14); — equals 3 (rounds normally)
Math.pow(2,8); — equals 2^8 or 2 to the power of 8

String methods


— equals 26
— equals "D"
— equals 4
concat("foo", "bar");
— equals "foobar"

var dramaticLine ="Luke, I am your father.";

dramaticLine.replace("father", "server this evening");
— equals "Luke, I am your server this evening.""your father");
— equals 10
dramaticLine.substr(1, 5);
— equals "uke, "
— equals ["Luke,", "I", "am", "your", "father."]
— equals "luke, i am your father."
— equals "LUKE, I AM YOUR FATHER."

\' =single quote, \" =double quote, \\ =backslash, \n =newline, \r =carriage return, \t =tab, \b =backspace, \f =formfeed

Array methods

var languages =["C++", "perl", "python", "php"];

languages.length(); — equals 4
languages.[languages.length] ="javascript"; — adds "javascript" to array
languages.toString(); — equals "C++,perl,python,php"
languages.join("$"); — equals "C++$perl$python$php"
languages.sort(); — equals ["C++", "perl", "php", "python"]
languages.reverse(); — equals ["php", "python", "perl", "C++"]


var heroesOfProgramming ={
firstName: "Ada",
lastName: "Lovelace",
accomplishment: "first computer programmer",
born: 1815,
died: 1852};