Visual Arts Art history: Dada

First artworks

René Magritte, The Treachery of Images, 1928–29
Marcel Duchamp , Fountain, 1917

Support Materials and Handouts

Art Smackdown 15 - Duchamp v. Magritte
Presentation: Art Smackdown 15 - Duchamp v. Magritte
Handout: Dada [pdf] source [publisher]
9: Dada
Presentation: 9: Dada [ppt]

Further artworks

Hannah Höch
Hannah Höch, Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany, 1919-1920
Kurt Schwitters, The Merzbau, Hanover, 1933
Kurt Schwitters, The Merzbau, Hanover, 1933

