//MAKE: 4.06 EXTRA: Monster Chasers!


Saving your work

Use Save as... to save the empty template as "4.06X-MonsterChasers-LastName.html" in your Computer Programming 12 directory.

The assignment

Use object constructors to place new wandering monsters on the screen by reading mouse positions.

Oh no! A swarm is coming! Each click adds another random monster!

Current mouse position:
Top: Left: .

...is made with the following code: (Although I took out some important code bits for you to look up...)

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Random Monster Swarm</title>
        <meta name="description" content="Monster Chasers">
        <meta name="author" content="Drapak">
            Change log:
                5. May 2017     - Created                                       - Drapak
                20. May 2017    - simplified code                               - Drapak
                18. Dec 2018    - updated style and clarified                   - Drapak
            img {
                position: absolute;
                width: 30px;
        <h2>Oh no! A swarm is coming! Run away using the mouse!</h2>
            Current mouse position:<br>
            <span id="topId"></span> 
            <span id="leftId"></span>.
        <div id="outputId"></div>
            //INIT: create the array to hold all the Monster objects
            var monsterArr = [];
            //INIT: this is the width of each square in the screen grid         
            var GRID_SIZE = 30;

            //INIT: these global variables hold the current cursor position
            var cursorX = 0;
            var cursorY = 0;
            //INIT Object constructor: MonsterObj
            // var aMonster = new MonsterObj( monsterNumber, screenObj );
            // Properties:  
            //      .top
            //      .left
            //      .row
            //      .column
            //      .id
            //      .DISTANCE
            //      .SOURCE_ARR
            // Methods:
            //      .chooseDirection();
            //      .changeImageDirection( 0-3 );
            //      .goDown();
            //      .goUp();
            //      .goLeft();
            //      .goRight();
            //      .placeImage();
            var MonsterObj = function ( myMonsterNumber, screenObj ) {
                console.log("ITS ALIVE! MonsterObj# =" + myMonsterNumber );
                //INIT: set up the initial variables for this MonsterObj
                // This MonsterObj is going to travel within an invisible grid
                // We to calculate which row and column the MonsterObj starts in by 
                // using a random number
                this.row        = Math.floor( Math.random() * screenObj.gridHeight );
                this.column     = Math.floor( Math.random() * screenObj.gridWidth );
                // We then use the GRID_SIZE to calculate a beginning
                // top and left position for the MonsterObj, measured in px
                this.top        = this.row      * GRID_SIZE;                
                this.left       = this.column   * GRID_SIZE;
                // set the id of this MonsterObj
                this.id         = 'image' + myMonsterNumber + 'ID';
                // set the distance to move each turn
                this.DISTANCE   = GRID_SIZE + "px";
                // array with the list of possible star images in it
                this.SOURCE_ARR = [
            //INPUT: this updates the current position of the MonsterObj
            MonsterObj.prototype.updateCurrentPosition = function () { 
                this.top    = document.getElementById(this.id).offsetTop;
                this.left   = document.getElementById(this.id).offsetLeft;

            //PROCESS: move the MonsterObj in the direction that will bring the 
            //      MonsterObj closer to mouse pointer
            MonsterObj.prototype.chooseDirection = function () {
                //console.log( 'in MonsterObj.chooseDirection...' );

                //update the monster's location

                // figure out the difference between the horizontal
                // and vertical positions of the Monster to the cursor
                var horizontalDistance  = this.left - cursorX;
                var verticalDistance    = this.top - cursorY;
                // decide which direction to go
                if ( Math.abs( horizontalDistance ) > Math.?????? ( ?????? ) ) {
                    // if the horizontal distance is greater than the vertical
                    if ( ?????? > 0 ) {
                        // if the Monster is to the right of the cursor
                    } else {
                        // if the Monster is to the left of the cursor
                } else {
                    // if the vertical distance is greater than the horizontal
                    if ( verticalDistance > 0 ) {
                        // if the Monster is below the cursor
                    } else {
                        // if the Monster is above the cursor
            //OUTPUT: changes the current image depending on the index of SOURCE_ARR
            MonsterObj.prototype.changeImageDirection = function ( imageIndex ) {
                //console.log('in MonsterObj.changeImageDirection:imageIndex=' + imageIndex);
                document.getElementById(this.id).src    = this.SOURCE_ARR[ imageIndex ];

            //OUTPUT:   1) change the monster's image
            //          2) move this monster DOWN
            //          3) choose a new direction when done
            MonsterObj.prototype.goDown = function () {
                //console.log("in MonsterObj.goDown...");
                //ugly hack so that 'this' can work inside start & complete
                var self    = this;
                $("#" + this.id).animate(
                    {top: "+=" + this.DISTANCE}, 
                    {   start:  function () { 
                                    self.changeImageDirection( 0 ); 
                        complete:   function () {
                        easing:     "linear"
                this.row    = this.row + 1;
            //OUTPUT:   1) change the monster's image
            //          2) move this monster UP
            //          3) choose a new direction when done
            MonsterObj.prototype.goUp = function () {
                //console.log("in MonsterObj.goUp...");
                //ugly hack so that 'this' can work inside start & complete
                var self    = this;

                $("#" + this.id).animate(
                    {top: "-=" + this.DISTANCE}, 
                    {   start:  function () { 
                                    self.changeImageDirection( 1 ); 
                        complete:   function () {
                        easing:     "linear"

                this.row    = this.row - 1;
            //OUTPUT:   1) change the monster's image
            //          2) move this monster LEFT
            //          3) choose a new direction when done
            MonsterObj.prototype.goLeft = function () {
                //console.log("in MonsterObj.goLeft...");
                //ugly hack so that 'this' can work inside start & complete
                var self    = this;

                $("#" + this.id).animate(
                    {left: "-=" + this.DISTANCE}, 
                    {   start:  function () { 
                                    self.changeImageDirection( 2 ); 
                        complete:   function () {
                        easing:     "linear" 
                this.column = this.column - 1;
            //OUTPUT:   1) change the monster's image
            //          2) move this monster RIGHT
            //          3) choose a new direction when done
            MonsterObj.prototype.goRight = function () {
                //console.log("in MonsterObj.goRight...");
                //ugly hack so that 'this' can work inside start & complete
                var self    = this;

                $("#" + this.id).animate(
                    {left: "+=" + this.DISTANCE}, 
                    {   start:  function () { 
                                self.changeImageDirection( 3 ); 
                        complete:   function () {
                        easing:     "linear"

                this.column = this.column + 1;

            //OUTPUT: add a new image to the outputId
            MonsterObj.prototype.placeImage = function () {
                //console.log( 'in MonsterObj.placeImage...' );

                var newImage        = document.createElement("img");
                newImage.src        = this.SOURCE_ARR[ 0 ];
                newImage.id         = this.id;
                newImage.style.top  = this.top + 'px';
                newImage.style.left = this.left + 'px';
                document.querySelector( '#outputId' ).appendChild( newImage );

            //END of MonsterObj constructor

            //OUTPUT: display the current mouse position
            var displayPosition = function () {
                //console.log( 'in displayPosition...' );

                document.querySelector( '#topId' ).innerHTML    = cursorX;
                document.querySelector( '#leftId' ).innerHTML   = cursorY;

            //INPUT: Gets the current screen dimensions in px & cells and stores them globally
            var getScreenInformation = function () {
                console.log("in getScreenInformation...");
                var windowWidth     = window.innerWidth;
                var ??????    = window.innerHeight;

                //INIT: set up the object to hold the screen information
                var screenObj = {};
                screenObj.gridHeight    = Math.floor( windowHeight / GRID_SIZE );
                screenObj.gridWidth     = Math.floor( ?????? / GRID_SIZE );
                return screenObj
            //INPUT EVENT: this constantly updates and stores the current mouse position
            document.onmousemove = function( event ){
                cursorX = event.clientX;
                cursorY = event.clientY;
            //INPUT EVENT: run this when the document first loads...
            document.body.onload = function () {
                //console.log('generating a screen full of random beasties');
                var screenObj   = getScreenInformation();
                // loop through 20 times to create 20 monsters and place them
                for ( i = 0; i <= ??????; i++ ) {
                    monsterArr[ i ] = new ??????( i, screenObj );
                    monsterArr[ i ].placeImage();
                    monsterArr[ ?????? ].chooseDirection();

In order to create the code to move the monsters toward the mouse pointer:

  1. Listen for mouse events with document.onmousemove
  2. Read the mouse position with .clientX and .clientY
  3. Whenever a MonsterObj chooses a new direction, you have to trigger this.updateCurrentPosition() in order to figure out the MonsterObj's current top and left position.
  4. In MonsterObj.prototype.chooseDirection(), you have to see whether the MonsterObj needs to move up, down, left, or right. As a human, we just look at it and choose one direction. But a computer must break this into steps.
  5. First determine the difference between the cursor and the MonsterObj both vertically and horizontally.
  6. Then then determine which is greatest distance to cover, in the horizontal or vertical direction. You will need to compare the absolute value of the two measurements, using Math.abs().
  7. Once you know which distance is greater, you can determine which way to move depending on whether or not the horizontal or vertical distance is positive or negative, and you can trigger this.goLeft() (or whatever direction is appropriate).
  8. Make sure you update this.row and this.column inside MonsterObj's movement methods.