//CSS: Color

<New code>

CSS border: 1px solid red; — applies a thin red border
CSS background-color: red; — makes something's background red

CSS color: red; — uses a named color to turn something red
CSS color: rgb(255, 0, 0); — specifies amounts of red, green and blue to turn something red
CSS color: #F00; — uses a hexidecimal color to turn something red
CSS color: #FF0000; — uses a hexidecimal color to turn something red

CSS opacity: 0.3; — makes something 70% transparent


I like Quackit.com's CSS Color Codes

There are many ways to assign color to your pages

Code example

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
            #borderID {border: 1px solid red;}
            #backgroundID {background-color: red;}

            #namedID {color: red;}
            #rgbID {color: rgb(0, 255, 0);}
            #shortHexID {color: #00F;}
            #normalHexID {color: #0000FF;}

            #opacityID {opacity: 0.3;}

        <h2>CSS Color Example</h2>
        <p>There are many ways to indicate color in CSS. You can...</p>
            <li id="borderID">give something a colored border</li>
            <li id="backgroundID">give something a colored background</li>
            <li id="namedID">use color names</li>
            <li id="rgbID">use <code>rgb()</code> values from 0-255</li>
            <li id="shortHexID">use short hexidecimal colors</li>
            <li id="normalHexID">use normal hexidecimal colors</li>
            <li id="opacityID">use opacity</li>

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