<New code>
— sets the id
of an element to "exampleId"
#exampleId {color: red;}
— makes element with id="exampleId"
— sets the class
of an element to "exampleClass"
.exampleClass {color: blue;}
— makes all elements with class="exampleClass"
What the difference between CSS tags, IDs, and classes?
There are many kind of CSS selectors. The ones that we use in this course are tags, IDs, and classes.
CSS tag selectors
p {color:red;}
— are used to apply a style to every element in your document using that tag. -
CSS Id selectors
#exampleId {color:red;}
— are used to apply a style to a single element in your document withid="exampleId"
. -
CSS class selectors
.exampleClass {color:blue;}
— are used to apply a style to multiple elements in your document sharingclass="exampleClass"
CSS tag/ID/class example code
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
/* use tag names to apply to HTML tags */
p {
color: blue;
/* use a hashtag (#) to refer to single Ids */
#exampleId {
color: red;
/* use a period-dot (.) to refer to a class group*/
.exampleClass {
font-style: italic;
<h1>CSS tag/ID/class example</h1>
<p>There are three main CSS selectors that are used most frequently.</p>
<p class="exampleClass">
<strong>Tag selectors</strong>
are used to apply a style to HTML tags with the same name
<p class="exampleClass">
<strong>Id selectors</strong> are used to apply a style to a
<em id="exampleId">single</em> individual HTML element
<p class="exampleClass">
<strong>Class selectors</strong>
are used to apply a style to a group of similar HTML elements
Knowing when to use each one will be handy later on in
applying styles correctly and in programming Javascript