<New code>
block HTML
- contains table data
block HTML
- contains the caption for table
block HTML
- contains the headings for the table
block HTML
- contains the body of the table data
block HTML
- begin a table row
block HTML
- contains a table heading cell
block HTML
- contains a cell of table data
inline HTML
- creates a new line
Creating tables of information
You are also going to learn how to create tables in HTML. Tables are constructed as a series of nested containers. Think of tables like this:
A table
contains a caption<caption>
and several rows<tr>
Each row
contains several cells -
Each cell can be either a table heading cell
, or it can be a table data cell<td>
<caption>All I know about pickles</caption>
<th>Pickle names</th>
<th>Average pickle rating</th>
<td>Polski ogorki</td>
<td>Bread and butter</td>
<td>Banana peppers</td>
Makes this...