<New code>
var objectName = {};
— define an empty object
objectName.propertyName = propertyInfo;
— set the propertyName of objectName to propertyInfo
objectName[ 'propertyName' ] = propertyInfo;
— set the propertyName of objectName to propertyInfo
objectName{ propertyName: propertyInfo };
— set the propertyName of objectName to propertyInfo
Objects and Properties
Let's say I have pet chicken.
It's name is Prince Rupert the Second, it is dark brown, it has long feathers and is 2 years old.
I can store this information in the following (slightly awkward) ways:
1. Using a different variable for each property (time consuming)
var chickenName = "Prince Rupert the Second";
var chickenColour = "dark brown";
var chickenFeathers = "long";
var chickenAge = 2;
console.log( // output the chicken information
"My chicken's name is "
+ chickenName
+ ". It is "
+ chickenColour
+ " with "
+ chickenFeathers
+ " feathers. It is "
+ chickenAge
+ " years old."
2. Create an object with a series of properties (elegant & fast)
var chickenObj = {}; // define as an empty object
chickenObj.name = "Prince Rupert the Second";
chickenObj.colour = "dark brown";
chickenObj.feathers = "long";
chickenObj.age = 2;
"My chicken's name is "
+ chickenObj.name
+ ". It is "
+ chickenObj.colour
+ " with "
+ chickenObj.feathers
+ " feathers. It is "
+ chickenObj.age
+ " years old."
Assigning properties to an object
There are several ways to assign properties to an object. First, define your variable as an empty object:
var chickenObj = {}; // define as an empty object
Then you can assign values to each property. Each of the following methods is exactly the same:
chickenObj.name = "Wilbur";
chickenObj.feathers = "long";
chickenObj[ 'name' ] = "Wilbur";
chickenObj[ 'feathers' ] = "long";
chickenObj = { name: "Wilbur", feathers: "long" };
chickenObj = {
name: "Wilbur",
feathers: "long"
Reading properties of an object
Once the property values are stored, then you can get the information out again. Each of the following methods is exactly the same:
console.log( chickenObj.name );
console.log( chickenObj['name'] );
Objects and function pipelines
One of the reasons why programmers love objects is because they organize a lot of information under one variable. This means that you can pass them easily between functions in a function pipeline.
var mainProcedure = function () {
//the getInfoObject
function return
s an object
var inputObj = getInfoObject();
//the processTheObject function accepts the object as an argument
var outputString = processTheObject( inputObj );
//the outputInfo function accepts the string variable as an argument
outputInfo( outputString );
Learn more
- Khan Academy's Intro to Objects
- w3schools.com's JavaScript Objects and JavaScript Object definitions
Code example
Address maker
Please enter the address information into the blanks below:
Street address:
Postal code:
The address you entered was:
...is made with the following code:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>drapak.ca - Computer Programming: INIT - Using objects</title>
<meta name="description" content="Learn how use objects in Javascript">
<meta name="author" content="Dave Drapak">
Change log:
18. October 2015 - created - Drapak
4. April 2017 - reworked to move script to tail - Drapak
27. October 2018 - reworked style and clarified code - Drapak
input, button {
position: absolute;
left: 20em;
#outputId {
font-weight: bold;
<h2>Address maker</h2>
Please enter the address information into the blanks below:<br>
<input id="nameId" type="text" value="Citadel High School"><br>
Street address:
<input id="streetId" type="text" value="1855 Trollope Street"><br>
<input id="cityId" type="text" value="Halifax"><br>
<input id="provinceId" type="text" value="Nova Scotia"><br>
Postal code:
<input id="postalCodeId" type="text" value="B3H 0A4"><br>
<button id="buttonId">Click me!</button>
The address you entered was:<br><br>
<span id="outputId"></span>
//OUTPUT: display the HTML string inside #outputId
var outputAddress = function ( outputString ) {
console.log( 'in outputAddress, outputString=' + outputString );
document.querySelector( '#outputId' ).innerHTML = outputString;
//PROCESS: accept an object, and then combine properties to make an HTML address
var createAddressString = function ( inputObj ) {
console.log( 'in createAddressString, inputObj:', inputObj );
var outputString = inputObj.name
+ "<br>"
+ inputObj.street
+ "<br>"
+ inputObj.city
+ "<br>"
+ inputObj.province
+ "<br>"
+ inputObj.postalCode;
return outputString;
//INPUT: read the value of each input line and return an object the information
var getInput = function () {
console.log( 'in getInput...' );
var inputObj = {};
inputObj.name = document.querySelector( '#nameId' ).value;
inputObj.street = document.querySelector( '#streetId' ).value;
inputObj.city = document.querySelector( '#cityId' ).value;
inputObj.province = document.querySelector( '#provinceId' ).value;
inputObj.postalCode = document.querySelector( '#postalCodeId' ).value;
return inputObj;
//MAIN: make the functions connect the data together
var mainProcedure = function () {
console.log( 'in mainProcedure...' );
var inputObj = getInput();
var outputString = createAddressString( inputObj );
outputAddress( outputString );
//INPUT: trigger main procedure when #buttonId is clicked
document.querySelector( "#buttonId" ).onclick = mainProcedure;