<New code>
<button id="buttonId">Button label</button>
— displays a button:
= clickyFunction;
— attaches clickyFunction();
to the button with buttonId
— you have to define clickyFunction();
previously in your program
Don't touch the big red button
Buttons are pretty handy in web pages. They are often used as triggers to start things.
They can start a game playing, rewind a video, calculate math, send a text, and so on.
Buttons trigger things when clicked.
In the web universe, if you want to make a button,
you do it like this:
<button type="button">Click me!</button>
That makes this:
But click on it: nothing happens.
Assigning an onclick
In order to make something happen,
we have to give the button an ID, and then
use Javascript to add a click action to that ID.
Like this:
<button type="button" id="buttonId">Click me now!</button>
// OUTPUT: do something interesting when the button is pressed...
var mainProcedure = function () {
alert( "Aw - how disappointing - just an alert()..." );
// INPUT: add an onclick event to the button
document.getElementById('buttonId').onclick = mainProcedure;
Now when you click this button it will trigger mainProcedure()
And as you guessed, all sorts of functions can be triggered by
Buttons can be styled using CSS by giving them an ID
Code example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>//INPUT: Buttons</title>
<body id="bodyId">
<h1>Using buttons in Javascript</h1>
<button id="insertButtonId">
Click me!
<button id="replaceButtonId">
Click me too!
<button id="alertButtonId">
Click me three!
<button id="replaceBodyId">
Click me last!
<p id="emptyId"></p>
<!-- your script is the last thing in your <body> -->
// define your OUTPUT functions first...
// OUTPUT: this is triggered by button #insertButtonId
// and inserts text inside emptyId
var insertHTML = function () {
var newText = "I'm now inside the empty paragraph";
// insert text inside an empty HTML element
document.getElementById( "emptyId" ).innerHTML = newText;
// OUTPUT: this is triggered by button #replaceButtonId
// and replaces the button text inside #replaceButtonId
var replaceButton = function () {
var newText = "I have replaced the button text!";
// replace the text inside the button
document.getElementById( "replaceButtonId" ).innerHTML = newText;
// OUTPUT: this is triggered by button #alertButtonId and triggers an alert
var showAlert = function () {
// triggered an alert
alert( "I made an alert()!" );
// OUTPUT: this is triggered by button #replaceBodyId
// and replaces the inside everything inside #bodyId
var replaceBody = function () {
var newText = "<h1>Nothing to see here</h1><p>Move along...</p>";
// replace the entire body with new code
document.getElementById( "bodyId" ).innerHTML = newText;
// attach your INPUTs last...
// INPUT: attach the insertHTML function to insertButtonId
document.getElementById( 'insertButtonId' ).onclick = insertHTML;
// INPUT: attach the replaceButton function to replaceButtonId
document.getElementById( 'replaceButtonId' ).onclick = replaceButton;
// INPUT: attach the showAlert function to alertButtonId
document.getElementById( 'alertButtonId' ).onclick = showAlert;
// INPUT: attach the replaceBody function to replaceBodyId
document.getElementById( 'replaceBodyId' ).onclick = replaceBody;
The code above produces: