//INPUT: Getting information from websites

<New code>

//PROCESS: this function takes the results of the request and processes them
var processWebsiteData = function ( data, status ) {
    console.log( 'in processWebsiteData...' );
    console.log( '   data=' + data );
    console.log( '   status=' + status );
    //IF: this was successful, display the results
    if ( status == 'success' ) {                                        
        alert( data );
    //IF: the transfer was not successful, show an error message
    else {
        console.log( 'WARNING: data downloaded unsuccessfully' );

//INPUT: get the message from the web server using jQuery
    'https://drapak.ca/cpg/getSunnyMessage.php',    // URL to contact
    { message: 42 },                                // information about the request
    processWebsiteData                              // function to process the results
— sends a request for data to a webserver

Computers talk to each other

The master list: of open JSON apis: https://github.com/toddmotto/public-apis

Specific examples:

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Code example

...is made with the following code:

<!doctype html>
        <title>Online demographic data</title>

            content="Get a sunny message!">
            20. November 2018   - Created                                       - Drapak
        <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js">

            🌞 <span id="outputId">Hello you!</span>  🌞
            <button id="buttonId">Get a sunny message from drapak.ca!</button>

            //OUTPUT: display the results of the transfer
            var displayResults = function ( outputString ) {
                console.log( 'in displayResults. outputString = ', outputString );
                document.querySelector( '#outputId' ).innerHTML = outputString;
            //PROCESS: this function takes the results of the request and processes them
            var processWebsiteData = function ( data, status ) {
                console.log( 'in processWebsiteData...' );
                console.log( '   data=' + data );
                console.log( '   status=' + status );
                //IF: this was successful, display the results
                if ( status == 'success' ) {                                        
                    displayResults( data );
                //IF: the transfer was not successful, show an error message
                else {
                    console.log( 'WARNING: demographics downloaded unsuccessfully' );

            //PROCESS: generate a random message number 
            var getRandomMessageNumber = function () {
                console.log( 'in getRandomMessageNumber...' );
                var messageNumber = Math.ceil( Math.random() * 100 );
                return messageNumber;
            //INPUT: get the message from the web server
            var getSunnyMessage = function () {
                console.log( 'in getSunnyMessage...' );
                //set up the URL to use to get the sunny message
                const URL   = 'https://drapak.ca/cpg/getSunnyMessage.php';
                // generate a random number from 1 to 100 to get a new message each time
                var messageNumber = getRandomMessageNumber();
                // create an object that contains the information needed to make the request
                var informationRequestObj = {       
                    'message': messageNumber
                //Use jQuery to get the request from the website
                //The request has three parts:
                //  1) the URL of the program to request information from
                //  2) the information to send to that program for the request
                //  3) the function to run when the transfer is complete

                $.get( URL, informationRequestObj, processWebsiteData );    
            //INPUT/EVENT: get a sunny message when the button is clicked
            document.querySelector( '#buttonId' ).onclick = getSunnyMessage;