<New code>
<input id="inputId" type="text"
value="default text">
— displays a text input line:
<textarea id="inputId"
rows="2" cols="30">
default text
— displays a text input box:
var enteredText
= document.getElementById( "inputId ").value
— stores what was typed into #inputId
into the variable enteredText
document.getElementById( "inputId" ).onchange
= mainProcedure;
— triggers mainProcedure() on
tab and enter after an input change
Two ways to input text strings
There are a couple of ways to enter text into a web page.
For short strings, use an input line
<input id="inputId" type="text"
value="default text">
For long strings, use a textarea box
<textarea id="inputId"
rows="4" cols="50">
default text
Using Javascript to read text strings
You can program scripts to read the text that your users have entered.
The entered text in stored inside
document.getElementById( "inputId" ).value
Using onchange
to trigger functions when text is editted
Remember how you can use onclick
to trigger a function when something is clicked?
Well, if you add onchange
to an input element,
you can trigger a function whenever someone presses
tab or enter
after changing a text input.
For example:
document.getElementById( "inputId" ).onchange
= mainProcedure;
However, most users have come to expect a button to trigger things as well.
Use both a button and onchange
when possible.
Example code
...is the result of the following code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<body id='bodyId'>
<h1>Displaying and reading text input</h1>
<p>This does not actually change the colors on the page - <strong>YET!</strong></p>
Enter a font color:
<input id="fontId" type="text" value="blue"><br>
<button id="fontButtonId">
pop up <code>document.getElementById( "fontId" ).value</code>
Enter a background color:<br>
<textarea id="backgroundId" rows="5" cols="40">lightBlue</textarea><br>
<button id="backgroundButtonId">
pop up <code>document.getElementById( "backgroundId" ).value</code>
//INPUT-OUTPUT: read in and then display the font color
var showFontColor = function (){
//INPUT: store the color that was typed into the input line
var newFontColor = document.getElementById( "fontId" ).value;
//OUTPUT: display what color was typed as a pop up message
alert( newFontColor );
//INPUT-OUTPUT: read in and then display the background color
var showBackground = function (){
//INPUT: store the background color that was typed into the textarea
var newBackground = document.getElementById( "backgroundId" ).value
//OUTPUT: display what background color was typed as a pop up message
alert( newBackground );
//INPUT: attach showFontColor to fontId
document.getElementById( 'fontId' ).onchange = showFontColor;
//INPUT: attach showFontColor to fontButtonId
document.getElementById( 'fontButtonId' ).onclick = showFontColor;
//INPUT: attach showBackground to backgroundId
document.getElementById( 'backgroundId' ).onchange = showBackground;
//INPUT: attach showBackground to backgroundButtonId
document.getElementById( 'backgroundButtonId' ).onclick = showBackground;