<New code>
— rounds a number to the nearest integer
— rounds a number downward to the nearest integer
— rounds a number upward to the nearest integer
— creates a random decimal from 0 → 0.99999...
var dieRoll =Math.ceil( Math.random() * 6 );
— creates a random integer from 1 → 6
Generating random numbers
Generating a random number between 1 → 6 requires you to do the following:
- generate a random decimal using
- multiplying the random integer by 6
- rounding the result up to the nearest integer
Generating a random integer using Math.random()
There is a function, Math.random()
that returns a random number between 0 → 0.999999...
It is not truly random (you need to use something like reading
radioactive decay for that), but it is close enough for
our purposes at this point.
Here is what Math.random()
Rounding, Floors, and ceilings
There are often times when you want to normally round
a number, and Math.round()
will do this for you in the usual way:
2.3 round()
s normally to:
5.6 round()
s normally to:
Sometimes you want to round down to the nearest integer.
will do this for you:
2.3 floor()
s down to:
5.6 floor()
s down to:
Sometimes you want to round up to the nearest integer.
will do this for you:
2.3 ceil()
s up to:
5.6 ceil()
s up to:
Rolling a die
Let's say for this example that we are using a six-sided die.
We will start off by generating a random decimal:
var randomDecimal =Math.random();
Then we need to multiply this number by six in order to simulate a range from 1 → 6.
var unroundedDecimal = randomDecimal * 6;
It still does not look like a die roll from 1 &rarr 6 yet.
Sometimes we get numbers less one, and we never get a number equal to 6.
The function that we need to shape the results into the proper integers is
var dieRoll =Math.ceil(unroundedDecimal);
Putting it all together in one line
So if you combine everything into one line, the resulting code is:
var dieRoll =Math.ceil( Math.random() * 6 );
What about 3 options? 5? 200?
var dieRoll = Math.ceil( Math.random() * 3 );
// 3 options -
var dieRoll = Math.ceil( Math.random() * 5 );
// 5 options -
var dieRoll = Math.ceil( Math.random() * 200 );
// 200 options
Common mistakes
instead ofMath.ceil
This will create a badly weighted die that will generate a number from 0 → 6, like this: - 0: 9%
- 1: 16%
- 2: 16%
- 3: 16%
- 4: 16%
- 5: 16%
- 6: 9%
Learn more
- w3schools.com's Math.round(), Math.floor(), Math.ceil(), and Math.random()