Frame-based animation without jQuery
There are times when the built-in animation functions of jQuery don't work. For example you may wish to move freely within an area, but jQuery does not elegantly allow you to stop in the middle of an animation. (Yes, it is technically possible, but you don't want to.)
In these cases you can animate things by hand. In a nutshell, it works like this:
Set up a function that repeats itself frequently, (30 times a second or more),
using something like
. - Each time the function is called, move the image over a few pixels. If the movement is small, then the user sees slow, even motion. If the movement is large, then the user sees faster, somewhat rougher motion.
It is faster to store the positions in the program's memory
in the example), rather than reading the current positions each time.
Move when a key is pressed - stop when a key is released
This is a common way to control motion. Again, this is useful if you want to move without being limited by a grid.
This works best when combined with frame-based animation.
Set up a function (
) to listen for when keys are pressed down. Start the animations only if the key detected is a new one. (This avoids repeating keypresses in the same direction that accelerate things off the longer you hold the down.) -
Set up a function (
) to listen for when keys are released. Kill any animations immediately.
Click inside the window and use the keys to start flying! Or open in it's own browser window
Learn more
-'s Window scrollTo() Method
Source code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Continuing in the same direction while a key is pressed</title>
// rocket OBJECT
// rocket properties:
// rocket.element
// rocket.speed
// rocket.left
// rocket.interval
// rocket.fps
// rocket.lastKeyCode
// rocket methods
// rocket.initialize()
// rocket.animate()
// rocket.goUp()
// rocket.goDown()
// rocket.goLeft()
// rocket.goRight()
var rocket = {
element: null, // the element to animate
speed: 5, // the amount to move with each animation frame
top: null, // the current top position
left: null, // the current left position
interval: null, // holds the animation repeater function
fps: 30, // the target number of frames per second
lastKeyCode: null, // the last key pressed...
// INPUT: get the element containing the rocket
// and get the current top and left coordinates
initialize: function ( id ) {
this.element = document.getElementById( id ); = this.element.offsetTop;
this.left = this.element.offsetLeft;
// PROCESS: repeat an animation in an interval
animate: function ( animationFunction ) {
// clear the previous animation repetition
window.clearTimeout( this.interval );
// move up once every animation frame
this.interval = window.setInterval( animationFunction, 1000 / rocket.fps );
// OUTPUT: animate upwards
goUp: function () { = - this.speed; = + 'px';
// OUTPUT: animate downwards
goDown: function () { = + this.speed; = + 'px';
// OUTPUT: animate leftwards
goLeft: function () {
this.left = this.left - this.speed; = this.left + 'px';
// OUTPUT: animate rightwards
goRight: function () {
this.left = this.left + this.speed; = this.left + 'px';
// while a key is pressed down...
window.onkeydown = function ( keyEvent ) {
// INPUT: read the key that was pressed...
var keyCode = keyEvent.which || keyEvent.keyCode;
console.log( 'a key has been pressed...' );
console.log( keyCode );
// PROCESS: only act if the key pressed is different that the last one,
// or if the key has been released before repressing
if ( rocket.lastKeyCode != keyCode ) {
// now store this key code for the next time...
rocket.lastKeyCode = keyCode;
if ( keyCode == 87 ) { // W = up
function () {
} else if ( keyCode == 65 ) { // A = left
function () {
} else if ( keyCode == 83 ) { // S = down
function () {
} else if ( keyCode == 68 ) { // D = right
function () {
// stop moving when a key is released
// delete this function if you want your image to keep moving in the same direction
window.onkeyup = function () {
// clear the previous animation repetition
window.clearTimeout( rocket.interval );
// clear the current key being pressed
rocket.lastKeyCode = null;
body {
color: darkBlue;
font-family: "Open Sans", "Calibri", san-serif;
#backgroundID {
width: 100%;
h2 {
position: absolute;
top: 5%;
left: 5%;
p {
position: absolute;
top: 20%;
left: 5%;
#animateID {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
<body onload="rocket.initialize( 'animateID' );">
src="" />
Non-jQuery animation<br />
and movement that continues while the key is pressed.
<strong>Movement keys:</strong>
↑W ←A ↓S →D
src="" />