//SOLVE: Using basic physics

Apply basic kinematics to make your games feel more natural

Kinematics is the study of motion, and is a branch of physics. We can use some of the equations from physics to make movement seem more natural, as if gravity were affecting it.

In our example below we are going to use two equations:

In the examples above:

One things that we have to remember in that the Y axis (top) increases as it goes down, so we have to switch the math around.

We have to abandon jQuery-based animation for physics-based animation. We will set up a frame rate of about 30 frames per second. This means that we will have to create a repeating function with an interval of 1000/30 = 33.33 millseconds.

Inside this repeating function we will recalculate the current speed and position, and then shift the coordinates to the new place.

Look at the code to see where these calculations take place inside flappy.calculatePosition().

Source code

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Basic game physics: flappy tree</title>
            // flappy OBJECT
            // flappy properties:
            //      flappy.element
            //      flappy.fps
            //      flappy.currentSpeedTop
            //      flappy.currentSpeedLeft
            //      flappy.gravity
            //      flappy.speedBoostPerJump
            //      flappy.top
            //      flappy.left
            //      flappy.scrollOffset
            // flappy methods
            //      flappy.initialize()
            //      flappy.jumpUp()
            //      flappy.calculatePosition()
            //      flappy.move()
            var flappy = {
                element:            null,       // the element to animate
                fps:                30,         // the frames per second to animate
                currentSpeedTop:    null,       // the current vertical speed 
                currentSpeedLeft:   120,            // the current horizontal speed
                gravity:            60,         // the downward acceleration due to gravity per second
                speedBoostPerJump:  80,         // the amount of speed added per jump
                top:                null,       // current top coordinate
                left:               null,       // current left coordinate
                scrollOffset:       -200,       // the position of the flappy from the side of the screen while scrolling
                // INPUT: get the element containing the flappy image and get the current top and left coordinates
                // This is triggered when the page finishes loading
                initialize: function ( id ) {
                    console.log( 'initializing...' );
                    this.element        = document.getElementById( id );  
                    this.top            = this.element.offsetTop;
                    this.left           = this.element.offsetLeft;

                    // OUTPUT: scroll to flappy's initial position
                    window.scrollTo( this.left + this.scrollOffset, this.top );
                // OUTPUT: give a boost to the vertical speed
                jumpUp:   function () {
                    this.currentSpeedTop    = this.currentSpeedTop - this.speedBoostPerJump;
                // PROCESS: use physics math to calculate the current position...
                calculatePosition:  function () {
                    // calculate the new vertical speed using: v = at + vi
                    this.currentSpeedTop    = this.gravity * ( 1 / this.fps ) + this.currentSpeedTop;
                    // calculate the new positions using: d = vt + di
                    this.top                = this.currentSpeedTop * ( 1 / this.fps ) + this.top;
                    this.left               = this.currentSpeedLeft * ( 1 / this.fps ) + this.left;
                //OUTPUT: display flappy in his current position
                move: function () {
                    this.element.style.left = this.left + "px";
                    this.element.style.top  = this.top + "px";

                    // follow by scrolling
                    window.scrollTo( this.left + this.scrollOffset, this.top );

            // triggered by start button
            var mainProcedure = function () {
                // turn off the button
                // otherwise each space bar hit will trigger the button again...
                document.getElementById('buttonID').onclick = null;
                // set up the animation loop
                var interval = window.setInterval( 
                    function () {
                        flappy.calculatePosition();     // calculate the new position
                        flappy.move();                  // move there
                    1000 / flappy.fps                   // every 33 milliseconds

            // if a key is pressed down...
            window.onkeydown = function ( keyEvent ) {
                // INPUT: read the key that was pressed...
                var keyCode = keyEvent.which || keyEvent.keyCode;

                if ( keyCode == 32 ) {  // if space bar is pressed 
                    flappy.jumpUp();    // add a boost up
            h2, p {
                position:   absolute;
            #flappyID {
                position:   absolute;
                width:      50px;
                top:        50%;
            #backgroundID {
                position:   absolute;
                height:     93vh;   /* set height to part of the viewport height to deal with scroll bars */
    <body onload="flappy.initialize('flappyID');">
            src="http://drapak.ca/cpg/img/SuperMarioWorld.png" />
            <button id="buttonID" onclick="mainProcedure();">
                Press to start playing flappy tree!
            </button><br />
            Press the space bar to move up.
        <img id="flappyID" src="https://www.kasandbox.org/programming-images/cute/TreeTall.png" />