//SOLVE: Animating a side-scroller

Scrolling to the current position

There are lots of times when you want to control what is in view of the browser window in a large page. This is useful for things like side-scroller games, large maps, big data tables, and so on...

You can use the window.scrollTo() method in order to scroll an element into view. However, this will try to locate the element in the top right corner of the screen: you may have to add an offset to get the positioning the way you want it. You should use position: absolute; CSS code when using this.

Look at the code below to see how window.scrollTo() is used.

Creating a side-scroll effect

Animating side-scroll movement can be done with a few changes to regular animation:

Click inside the window and use the keys to start flying! Or open in it's own browser window

Learn more

Source code

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Automatically scrolling to maintain focus on an element</title>
            // rocket OBJECT
            // rocket properties:
            //      rocket.element
            //      rocket.currentSpeed
            //      rocket.slowSpeed
            //      rocket.mediumSpeed
            //      rocket.fastSpeed
            //      rocket.top
            //      rocket.left
            //      rocket.scrollOffset
            //      rocket.interval
            //      rocket.fps
            //      rocket.lastKeyCode
            // rocket methods
            //      rocket.initialize()
            //      rocket.goUp()
            //      rocket.goDown()
            //      rocket.goLeft()
            //      rocket.goRight()
            //      rocket.animate()
            var rocket = {
                element:        null,       // the element to animate
                currentSpeed:   null,       // the current speed
                slowSpeed:      4,          // move the element over by this many pixels at slow speed
                fastSpeed:      12,         // move the element over by this many pixels at fast speed
                mediumSpeed:    8,          // move the element over by this many pixels at medium speed
                top:            null,       // current top coordinate
                left:           null,       // current left coordinate
                scrollOffset:   -200,       // the position of the rocket from the side of the screen while scrolling
                interval:       null,       // holds the animation repeater
                fps:            30,         // the frame rate to aim for 
                lastKeyCode:    null,       // the last key code that was pressed
                // INPUT: get the element containing the rocket
                // and get the current top and left coordinates
                initialize: function ( id ) {
                    console.log( 'initializing...' );
                    this.element        = document.getElementById( id );  
                    this.top            = this.element.offsetTop;
                    this.left           = this.element.offsetLeft;
                    this.currentSpeed   = this.mediumSpeed;
                    window.scrollTo( this.left + this.leftOffset, this.top );
                // OUTPUT: animate upwards
                goUp:   function () {
                    this.top                = this.top - this.currentSpeed;
                    this.element.style.top  = this.top + 'px';
                    // follow by scrolling
                    window.scrollTo( this.left + this.scrollOffset, this.top );
                // OUTPUT: animate downwards
                goDown:   function () {
                    this.top                = this.top + this.currentSpeed;
                    this.element.style.top  = this.top + 'px';
                    // follow by scrolling
                    window.scrollTo( this.left + this.scrollOffset, this.top );
                // OUTPUT: animate leftwards
                goLeft:   function () {
                    this.left               = this.left - this.currentSpeed;
                    this.element.style.left = this.left + 'px';
                    // follow by scrolling
                    window.scrollTo( this.left + this.scrollOffset, this.top );
                // OUTPUT: animate rightwards
                goRight:   function () {
                    this.left               = this.left + this.currentSpeed;
                    this.element.style.left = this.left + 'px';
                    // follow by scrolling
                    window.scrollTo( this.left + this.scrollOffset, this.top );
                // PROCESS: repeat an animation in an interval
                animate: function ( animationFunction ) {
                    // clear the previous animation repetition
                    window.clearTimeout( this.interval );
                    // move up once every animation frame
                    this.interval = window.setInterval( animationFunction, 1000 / rocket.fps );
            // while a key is pressed down...
            window.onkeydown = function ( keyEvent ) {
                // INPUT: read the key that was pressed...
                var keyCode = keyEvent.which || keyEvent.keyCode;
                console.log( 'a key has been pressed...' );
                console.log( keyCode );

                // PROCESS: only act if the key pressed is different that the last one, 
                // or if the key has been released before repressing 
                if ( rocket.lastKeyCode != keyCode ) {
                    rocket.lastKeyCode = keyCode;
                    if ( keyCode == 87 ) {                          // W = up
                            function () { 
                                rocket.currentSpeed = rocket.mediumSpeed;   // use medium speed for side-scroll effect
                                rocket.goRight();                           // add right movement only for side-scroll effect
                    } else if ( keyCode == 65 ) {                   // A = left
                            function () {
                                rocket.currentSpeed = rocket.slowSpeed;     // use slow speed for side-scroll effect
                                rocket.goRight();                           // normally goLeft(), but changed for side-scroll effect
                    } else if ( keyCode == 83 ) {                   // S = down
                            function () { 
                                rocket.currentSpeed = rocket.mediumSpeed;   // use medium speed for side-scroll effect
                                rocket.goRight();                           // add right movement only for side-scroll effect 
                    } else if ( keyCode == 68 ) {                   // D = right
                            function () { 
                                rocket.currentSpeed = rocket.fastSpeed;     // use fast speed for side-scroll effect

            // stop moving when a key is released
            // delete this function if you want your image to drift forever
            window.onkeyup = function () {
                // clear the previous animation repetition
                window.clearTimeout( rocket.interval );

                // clear the current key being pressed
                rocket.lastKeyCode = null;
            #information {
                position:   absolute;
                top:        20px;
                left:       20px;
            #backgroundID {
                height:     93vh;   /* set height to part of the viewport height to deal with scroll bars */
            #animateID {
                position:   absolute;
                height:     20vh;   /* set height to 20% of viewport height */
                top:        50%;    
                left:       5%;
    <body onload="rocket.initialize( 'animateID' );">
            src="http://drapak.ca/cpg/img/SuperMarioWorld.png" />
        <div id="information">
                Scroll automatically to maintain focus on an element
                <strong>Movement keys:</strong>
                &uarr;W &larr;A &darr;S &rarr;D <br />
            src="https://www.kasandbox.org/programming-images/space/octopus.png" />         