Visual Arts — Painting

Paint mixing and colour wheels

Colour Wheels in several languages:

  1. English colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  2. Albanian colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  3. Arabic colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  4. Armenian colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  5. Chinese colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  6. Korean colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  7. Kurdish colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  8. French colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  9. Portuguese colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  10. Spanish colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  11. Tagalog colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  12. Turkish colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  13. Ukrainian colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
  14. Vietnamese colour wheel: PDFGoogle docPNG
Colour schemes: handout versions
Watercolour technique basics handout versions
Apple and an orange handout versions

Other Watercolour painting basics:

Painting from reference photos: PDFGoogle doc — PNGs: page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4

Acrylic technique basics handout versions
Acrylic painting basics: Apple, orange, flower, Vermeer handout versions
Painting basics: Tonal practice
Handout: Painting basics: Tonal practice [pdf] source [scribus]
Painting basics: Colour wheel examples
Handout: Painting basics: Colour wheel examples [pdf] source [scribus]
Colour wheel stickers for full sheet labels
Handout: Colour wheel stickers for full sheet labels [pdf]
Colour wheel stickers for 5163 labels
Handout: Colour wheel stickers for 5163 labels [pdf]
Painting basics: Red,  yellow and blue colour wheel
Handout: Painting basics: Red, yellow and blue colour wheel [pdf] source [zip]
Colour matching exercises

Observational painting

Skill builders: brushstroke practice
Handout: Skill builders: brushstroke practice [pdf]
Skill builders: blocking in
Handout: Skill builders: blocking in [pdf]
Basic colour and emotion: handout versions
Kitty colour and emotion: handout versions

Colour videos

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