Production Technology 11Machine tool use

For each major machine tool, I will demonstrate how to use it safely and accurately. Eventually you will be able to use machine tools freely without me standing next to you. However, in order for that to happen you must:

Online machine tool safety info, reading booklets, and safety quizzes

Safety information and booklets

Tool safety information booklet
Handout: Tool safety information booklet [pdf]
Tool safety info: One page per tool
Handout: Tool safety info: One page per tool [pdf]
Tool safety quizzes
Handout: Tool safety quizzes [pdf] source [scribus]
Tool safety posters
Handout: Tool safety posters [pdf]

Machine safety labels

2x3 Machine safety labels
Handout: 2x3 Machine safety labels [pdf]
2x3 Machine PPE safety labels
Handout: 2x3 Machine PPE safety labels [pdf]
