Move beyond the basics of Visual Arts 10 to explore texture, technique, composition, creativity, and art history more deeply.
About Visual Arts 11
- Course Outline
- Names, pronouns, and a diagnostic drawing Google Doc PDF
- Advice from former students
- Composition
- Creativity Techniques
- Safety
Careers in the Visual Arts
Major Units for Visual Arts 11
Textural explorations
Acrylic painting
Expressive clay portrait
Exam project
Art history
Idea development for Visual Arts 11
- unadapted: PDF or Google docs
- adapted: PDF or Google docs
- IPP: PDF or Google docs
- Arabic: PDF or Google docs
- Chinese: PDF or Google docs
- Farsi: PDF or Google docs
- Japanese: PDF or Google docs
- Korean: PDF or Google docs
- Spanish: PDF or Google docs
- Swahili: PDF or Google docs
- Tagalog: PDF or Google docs
- Ukrainian: PDF or Google docs
- Vietnamese: PDF or Google docs