All Acrylic painting unit booklets
Acrylic painting presentations (for 1¼ hour classes)
Skill builders:
- Acrylic painting skills 1: Colour wheel
- Acrylic painting skills 2: Acrylic techniques
- Acrylic painting skills 3: Hello Kitty!
- Acrylic painting skills 4: Observing light and dark I
- Acrylic painting skills 5: Observing light and dark II
- Acrylic idea development 1
- Acrylic idea development 2
- Acrylic idea development 3
- Acrylic idea development 4
- Acrylic painting 1: Beginning, and Abstract art
- Acrylic painting 2: Line work and Surrealism
- Acrylic painting 3: Background and Dada
- Acrylic painting 4: Background and NSCAD portfolios
- Acrylic painting 5: Foreground and Modernism
- Acrylic painting 6: Foreground and Art analysis
- Acrylic painting 7: Work day & Art Auctions
- Acrylic painting 8: Peer feedback
- Acrylic painting 9: Work day
- Acrylic painting 10: Last day and intro to the clay portrait
Advice and exemplars
Gallery of student paintings:
New gallery
Old gallery
New Painting gallery cover: Google Slides
Old Painting gallery cover: PDF
Acrylic painting examples from previous semesters: Google Slides
Acrylic painting peer feedback versions:
Painting advice [pdf]
New Painting gallery cover: Google Slides
Old Painting gallery cover: PDF
Acrylic painting examples from previous semesters: Google Slides
Acrylic painting peer feedback versions:
- unadapted: PDF or Google docs
- adapted: PDF or Google docs
- IPP: PDF or Google docs
- Arabic: PDF or Google docs
- Chinese: PDF or Google docs
- Farsi: PDF or Google docs
- Japanese: PDF or Google docs
- Korean: PDF or Google docs
- Spanish: PDF or Google docs
- Swahili: PDF or Google docs
- Tagalog: PDF or Google docs
- Ukrainian: PDF or Google docs
- Vietnamese: PDF or Google docs

Idea development for acrylic painting handout versions
Idea development for the painting project
Creativity - Things that inspire you
Creativity - Responses about inspiration
Creativity - Things that you wish would change
Image reference templates
for creating your own skill builders
for gathering reference images for the mini painting
for gathering reference images for the acrylic painting project
Creativity - Things that inspire you
Creativity - Responses about inspiration
Creativity - Things that you wish would change
Image reference templates
for creating your own skill builders
for gathering reference images for the mini painting
for gathering reference images for the acrylic painting project
Support Materials and Handouts

Acrylic technique basics:
Google doc —
page 1
page 2 —
Exemplar images:
page 1
page 2
Apple, orange, flower, Vermeer:
Google doc —
page 1
page 2
page 3
page 4
Criteria and Vocabulary for the acrylic painting project handout versions
- English: PDF or Google Docs
- Albanian: PDF or Google Docs
- Arabic: PDF or Google Docs
- Armenian: PDF or Google Docs
- Chinese: PDF or Google Docs
- Dutch: PDF or Google Docs
- Farsi: PDF or Google Docs
- French: PDF or Google Docs
- German: PDF or Google Docs
- Hindi: PDF or Google Docs
- Japanese: PDF or Google Docs
- Korean: PDF or Google Docs
- Kurdish: PDF or Google Docs
- Nepali: PDF or Google Docs
- Pashto: PDF or Google Docs
- Portuguese: PDF or Google Docs
- Punjabi: PDF or Google Docs
- Russian: PDF or Google Docs
- Somali: PDF or Google Docs
- Spanish: PDF or Google Docs
- Swahili: PDF or Google Docs
- Tagalog: PDF or Google Docs
- Thai: PDF or Google Docs
- Turkish: PDF or Google Docs
- Ukrainian: PDF or Google Docs
- Vietnamese: PDF or Google Docs
- Vocabulary master slides: Google Slides