- //INIT: Using objects
- //PROCESS: String addition
Saving your work
Use Save as...
to save the
empty template as
in your Computer Programming directory.
The assignment
Use Javascript code to create a chart of the most common programming languages on Github, the most popular place on the web to find open source coding projects.
An example full of hints:
Graph the 2015 federal election results
Please enter the number of seats won by the respective parties:
New Democrat:
Bloc Quebecois:
New Democrat
Bloc Quebecois
Green made from the following code:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Election graph</title>
<meta name="description" content="Make an election graph">
<meta name="author" content="Dave Drapak">
Change log:
20. October 2015 - Drapak
21. October - separated functions like a good programmer! - Drapak
4. April 2017 - moved script to tail & onclicks to <script> - Drapak
27. October 2018 - updated style and clarified code - Drapak
input, button {
position: absolute;
left: 10em;
div {
color: white;
min-height: 1.2em;
max-height: 1.2em;
width: 0em;
padding-left: 0.3em;
overflow: hidden;
#liberalGraphId {
background-color: red;
#conservativeGraphId {
background-color: blue;
#newDemocratGraphId {
background-color: orange;
#blocGraphId {
background-color: cyan;
#greenGraphId {
background-color: green;
<h4>Make an election graph!</h4>
Please enter the number of seats won by the respective parties:<br>
Liberal: <input id="liberalInputId" value="184"><br>
Conservative: <input id="conservativeInputId" value="99"><br>
New Democrat: <input id="newDemocratInputId" value="44"><br>
Bloc Quebecois: <input id="blocInputId" value="10"><br>
Green: <input id="greenInputId" value="1"><br>
<button id="displayGraphButtonId">Click to graphinate!</button><br>
<div id="liberalGraphId">Liberal</div>
<div id="conservativeGraphId">Conservative</div>
<div id="newDemocratGraphId">New Democrat</div>
<div id="blocGraphId">Bloc Quebecois</div>
<div id="greenGraphId">Green</div>
//OUTPUT: change the graph divs to the calculated width
var displayGraph = function ( graphObj ) {
console.log( 'in displayGraph, graphObj=', graphObj );
document.querySelector( '#liberalGraphId' ).style.width
= graphObj.liberal + 'px';
document.querySelector( '#conservativeGraphId' ).style.width
= graphObj.conservative + 'px';
document.querySelector( '#newDemocratGraphId' ).style.width
= graphObj.newDemocrat + 'px';
document.querySelector( '#blocGraphId' ).style.width
= graphObj.bloc + 'px';
document.querySelector( '#greenGraphId' ).style.width
= + 'px';
//PROCESS: calculate the width of the graph to display, and store in graphWidth
var calculateGraphWidths = function ( electionResultsObj ) {
'in calculateGraphWidths, electionResultsObj=',
//INIT: the multiplier to get an attractive width
//INIT: the variable to store the widths as an empty object
var graphObj = {};
graphObj.liberal = electionResultsObj.liberal * GRAPH_MULTIPLIER;
graphObj.conservative = electionResultsObj.conservative * GRAPH_MULTIPLIER;
graphObj.newDemocrat = electionResultsObj.newDemocrat * GRAPH_MULTIPLIER;
graphObj.bloc = electionResultsObj.bloc * GRAPH_MULTIPLIER; = * GRAPH_MULTIPLIER;
return graphObj;
//INPUT: read in the election results and store inside electionResultsObj
var getElectionResults = function () {
console.log( 'in getElectionResults' );
//INIT: set up the election results as an empty object
var electionResultsObj = {};
= document.querySelector( '#liberalInputId' ).value;
= document.querySelector( '#conservativeInputId' ).value;
= document.querySelector( '#newDemocratInputId' ).value;
= document.querySelector( '#blocInputId' ).value;
= document.querySelector( '#greenInputId' ).value;
return electionResultsObj;
//MAIN: connect together the data flow with the correct functions
var mainProcedure = function () {
console.log('in mainProcedure');
//INPUT: get the election results stored in an object
var electionResultsObj = getElectionResults();
//PROCESS: create an object of the graph widths calculated from the results
var graphObj = calculateGraphWidths( electionResultsObj );
//OUTPUT: display a graph using the widths in the graph object
displayGraph( graphObj );
//INPUT: connect the mainProcedure and hideGraph to their buttons
document.querySelector( '#displayGraphButtonId' ).onclick = mainProcedure;