Computer Programming 121.04 Hand-in: Otto the Robot


//HTML: Basics
//HTML: Lists
//HTML: Tables
//HTML: Two kinds of tables

//INIT: Datatypes

//STYLE: Capitalizing tags
//STYLE: Choosing an editor
//STYLE: Formatting code with tab indents

The role of Otto the Robot will now be played by...

Let's watch an introductory video about organizing your thoughts around a problem:

Hidden Agenda

Saving your work

You will discuss your solution through an HTML report that each of you will create individually.

Save the empty template as "1.04H-OttoTheRobot-LastName.html" in your Computer Programming 12 directory.


Working in groups of 2-4 students, complete the problem solving process to solve the following problem: getting a student from our classroom (sitting in a chair) to the library in the most efficient way. The student must be sitting in a chair in the library (or alternately, standing in front of the library doors) for the solution to be complete.


Problem solving process

  1. Understand the problem (collect info to gather a knowledge base)
  2. Identify alternative solutions
  3. Select the best solution
  4. List the instructions to get to the cafeteria
  5. Evaluate your solution (test your steps)

OttoCode® — instructing Otto the Robot

The person in your group playing Otto the Robot can only understand these instructions:

For example: if you wanted Otto to stand up, turn right, walk four steps forward, then sit down, the OttoCode® would be:

  1. STD
  2. RT
  3. RPT(4) FWD
  4. SIT

The assignment

  1. Create the empty framework of your HTML report
  2. Gather together a team of 2-4 students and start answering questions
  3. Break your solution down into 5-9 chunks, and then write out the OttoCode® for each chunk
  4. Do a trial run of your solution with a student volunteering to be Otto
  5. Complete your HTML report individually and then hand it in

Code an HTML document that looks more or less like this:

Extend & expand