Student gallery of artworks: newer and older works
All Printmaking unit booklets
Printmaking presentations (for 1¼ hour classes)
Skill builders:
- Printmaking skills 1: Developing the ability to balance light and darks and line variation for printmaking
- Printmaking skills 2: Carving safety and technique
- Printmaking skills 3: Carving technique II
- Printmaking idea development day 1
- Printmaking idea development day 2
- Printmaking idea development day 3
Advice and exemplars
New Printmaking gallery cover:
Google Slides
Old Printmaking gallery cover: PDF
Printmaking examples from previous semesters: Google Slides
Advice from former students for printmaking: PDF
Old Printmaking gallery cover: PDF
Printmaking examples from previous semesters: Google Slides
Advice from former students for printmaking: PDF
Skill builders
Printmaking evaluation:
Google Slides
Printmaking project outline: PDF — Google Slides
Skill builder - Observing lines for printmaking: PDF — Google Slides — PNGs: page 1 2 3 4
Skill builder - Printmaking carving practice: Horizontal PDF — Vertical PDF — Google slides — PNGs: page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Skill builder - Making images black and white: PDF — Google Slides — PNGs: page 1 2 3
HRCE Arts - Printmaking workshop booklet: PDF Google Slides — PNGs: page 1 2 3
Image reference templates: for creating your own skill builders — for gathering reference images for the printmaking project
Printmaking project outline: PDF — Google Slides
Skill builder - Observing lines for printmaking: PDF — Google Slides — PNGs: page 1 2 3 4
Skill builder - Printmaking carving practice: Horizontal PDF — Vertical PDF — Google slides — PNGs: page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Skill builder - Making images black and white: PDF — Google Slides — PNGs: page 1 2 3
HRCE Arts - Printmaking workshop booklet: PDF Google Slides — PNGs: page 1 2 3
Image reference templates: for creating your own skill builders — for gathering reference images for the printmaking project
Criteria and Vocabulary for printmaking project handout versions
- English: PDF or Google Docs
- Albanian: PDF or Google Docs
- Arabic: PDF or Google Docs
- Armenian: PDF or Google Docs
- Chinese: PDF or Google Docs
- Dutch: PDF or Google Docs
- Farsi: PDF or Google Docs
- French: PDF or Google Docs
- German: PDF or Google Docs
- Hindi: PDF or Google Docs
- Japanese: PDF or Google Docs
- Korean: PDF or Google Docs
- Kurdish: PDF or Google Docs
- Nepali: PDF or Google Docs
- Pashto: PDF or Google Docs
- Portuguese: PDF or Google Docs
- Punjabi: PDF or Google Docs
- Russian: PDF or Google Docs
- Somali: PDF or Google Docs
- Spanish: PDF or Google Docs
- Swahili: PDF or Google Docs
- Tagalog: PDF or Google Docs
- Thai: PDF or Google Docs
- Turkish: PDF or Google Docs
- Ukrainian: PDF or Google Docs
- Vietnamese: PDF or Google Docs
- Vocabulary master slides: Google Slides